Previous Years Mains Cut Off - Comparison
The IAS Main(written) Exam is conducted in the month of September- October each year and the marks obtained in the IAS Main Exam is counted for the Final Merit list of the UPSC IAS Exam. The Maximum marks in the IAS Main (written) Exam is 1750 and the cut off marks and the percentage given here is also from the 1750 Marks.
The UPSC main examination consists of eight papers if the candidates are hailing form North east states. Otherwise it would be nine papers for the candidates appearing for mains exam. The language papers are English and one Regional language as scheduled language listed in the Indian Constitution. The Language papers are only considered for qualify in the examination.
The remaining seven papers are considered for merit list. each papers are accounted for 250 marks. Those papers are Essay, GS-I, GS-II, GS-II, GS-IV and one optional subjects calculated as two papers accounted for 500 marks.
In each mains paper, other than qualifying papers, needs to secure 10% of the marks, its literally means 25 marks to be secured.