Difference between IAS and IPS
IAS vs IPS both are the most desirable services in India. Also, both services have their own glory and responsibilities. Students who are focused know the powers of both officers. However, the Indian Police Service is different from IAS. From service to power, everything is different. The working field and the honor - both vary. But how to choose between them? We have you covered. We present to you everything that you need to know about IAS vs IPS. On the other hand, it is difficult to make it in the top tier for both positions.

Table of Contents
Role of IAS
Role of IPS
IAS vs IPS Salary Structure
Eligibility and Education for IAS vs IPS
Power And Responsibilities
Salary IAS vs IPS
Promotion IAS vs IPS
Why Indian Administrative Service(IAS)
Why Indian Police Service(IPS)
FAQ Regading IAS vs IPS Which is Better
Role of IAS and IPS
Role of IAS
The Indian Administrative Service officers have all the powers in the field of administration. They look after all the agendas of government. Implementation of policies and representing India at the international level for negotiation. An IAS officer maintains a balance between agendas and implementation. Looking after administration is the main job. These are the main powers of the IAS officer. However, there are around 300 laws on their working and scope of power. The department of personnel and training keeps updating the manual. Moreover, the civil servants are answerable to the State and Central government.
Role of IPS
IAS vs IPS is one topic that has been in debate for a long time. However, one must choose according to their desire and goal. An Indian Police Officer maintains peace with help of police force and law. They have more power to affect government organizations. On the other hand, IAS officers look after law and order. But an IPS officer can change the rule to maintain the safety of the country. IPS officer makes sure the safety of the public and peace at any cost. However, the candidate has to crack the civil service exam for either of the job. But IPS officers come on the second position after IAS officer.
IAS vs IPS Salary Structure
The Indian Administrative Service Officer is paid higher as compared to
Indian Police Service Officer.
The IPS officer gets less amount of facilities and perks than the IAS officer. But the IAS salary depends on the scale.
Junior Scale
Senior Scale
Super Time Scale
Above super time scale
Every pay scale has its own pay bands which differ. Because IAS officers can get 41% of the accommodation. The DA was revised in 2015 and became 107% from 72%. Moreover, it is revised every year depending on inflation. On the other hand, they both enjoy benefits like PF, Healthcare, accommodation, transport, house help, study off, and many more. These were some of the major benefits out of many. This is why the Civil Service Exam is so tough.
Eligibility and Education for IAS vs IPS
It is very important to cover the eligibility points in order to become an IAS or IPS officer. However, for both of them, you have to pass the Civil service Exam. Firstly, to be an Indian Administrative Service Officer you have to be excellent in studies. Secondly, for Indian Police Service officers you have to be excel in physical activities. The other things considered for IPS are height, weight, and fitness criteria. Moreover, a medical test is common for both the exams. If you are willing to be an IPS officer don't forget to check all the criteria on their official website.
However, IAS and IPS exams don't have different educational criteria. The fitness criteria is the extra step in IPS. In other words, the candidate must clear the educational exam to step on the next level.
An Indian Police Service Officer comes after an Indian Administrative Service officer. Candidates who rank on top opt for IAS. However, it depends on the individual whether he/she wants to be an IAS or IPS. The powers, salary, and benefits make all the difference between the two of them. Moreover, the duties are different. IPS maintains peace whereas IAS implements policies of the government. In this debate between IAS vs IPS, IAS will always come first.
Training of IAS candidates happens at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy, Mussoorie. Whereas, training of IPS officers happens at Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Police Academy, Hyderabad. Moreover, the IAS department of training has the authority for the respective department. On the other hand, IPS authority is in the hands of the Ministry of Affairs. Also, there is only one IAS officer in the area. And there can be multiple IPS officers as per requirement. In other words, IAS is much higher than IPS in every term. IPS officers are trained mentally as well as physically. Also, for selecting the IPS officer, fitness criteria is always considered. But to enter the field, you have to crack the UPSC exam which is quite difficult. Out of 7 lakhs, only 1% of candidates reach the interview stage.
Power and Responsibilities
Both IAS and IPS are very powerful positions in their field. But IAS is much more powerful as the IPS is responsible for the department. But an IAS officer is responsible for departments of the district. An IAS officer is the head of the police department too. Moreover, according to protocol when IAS and IPS meet then IPS has to salute the IAS. This will happen if the IPS is in the uniform. If he is without the cap then a salute is not mandatory. Also, many cities have given more rights to IPS officers but still less than IAS. The IPS can only work in the Police and traffic department. The IAS(DM) has all departments under him. IAS vs IPS both have different duties.
Salary IAS vs IPS
The salary of IAS vs IPS is not very different. The salary of IPS officers can be between 56,100 to 2,25,000 per month. However, the salary of the IAS officer is between 56,100 to 2,50,000 per month. The difference is clear. The salary of the IAS officer is much higher than the IPS officer. Not only in salary but it is higher than IPS in every aspect. Including position, pay, duty, and much more.
Both IAS vs IPS have different uniforms. Firstly, there is no specific uniform for IAS officers but they have to wear formals in events. Secondly, the IPS officer has a proper uniform code. Moreover, it varies with promotions as it differs at every level. A string, Ashok, and sword are mandatory for every rank. However, the public recognizes IPS compared to IAS and not what they wear. On days like Independence and Republic day, IPS officers have to be in full uniform.
Promotion IAS vs IPS
In India, Cabinet Secretary is the highest post for which only one IAS officer can be appointed. Moreover, the state has a chief secretary, a top post who is also an IS officer. At the post of home secretary, the IAS officer is appointed.
The IPS officer becomes the Director-General of police of the state. On the other hand, an IPS officer can also be the director of CBI, RAW, and IB in the central government. Also, IPS can be promoted as National Security Adviser.
Why Indian Administrative Service(IAS)
Firstly, if the candidate wants the power to manage government-related things then go for IAS. Because it is prestigious in the government sector for power, benefits, and responsibilities. Secondly, you should be clear about what you want to be. If power is your choice then IAS is your way to go. Moreover, there is a sense of job security too as an IAS can not be fired easily. The selected officer can work till age 60 and more if the period is extended. Also, the IAS officer gets the most respect in India. That's why many think about this prestigious position as their dream job. The selected candidates can also bring positive changes in society as they have a hold of power.
Why Indian Police Service(IPS)
It is a post that includes power, influence, management of crime, and order. So, candidates who want to enter these areas should go for IPS. However, don't forget that you have to be physically strong and fit to join the service. Also, UPSC can reject the information if unnecessary information is provided. Therefore, you have to be very precise. It is the successor of the Indian Imperial Police as it was formed in 1861 by the British government. Also, an IPS officer is specialized in police investigation and has expertise and efficiency. Moreover, the most powerful bureaucracy of the country is lead by the IPS officer. In terms of power, you don't want to mess with an IPS officer. As they can put an IAS officer in trouble too. CBI which is managed by IPS officers can arrest ministers too.
In conclusion, no society can have peace and harmony without a powerful IPS officer and his/her team. The police department is the reflection of government power and authority. The IPS position is not an ordinary job.
IAS vs IPS is a debate that has no conclusion. As both the posts are prestigious in their own field. Moreover, it depends on the candidate whether he/she wants to be an IAS officer or an IPS officer. The quality of the candidate defines and sets the luck of an individual. But always keep in mind that it is not easy to pass the UPSC exam. It requires years of hard work and focus to be either of them. Also, not everyone can be IPS, if you are the one who doesn't like crime, law and order issues, and riots then IPS is not for you. Moreover, the IPS officer has to overcome many levels to get finalized. There are no fixed working hours for IPS. An IPS officer has prioritized citizen's safety first.
On the other hand, IAS has harmony in service patterns. They have to administrate and manage the issues on their own. The IPS officer handles the police department but the IAS has a part in bureaucracy. Therefore, the candidate has to be mindful of what he/she wants and has to be goal-oriented.
FAQ Regarding Training Centre LBSNAA
1. Why is IAS is better than IPS?
An IAS officer is on the top in hierarchy whereas an IPS officer comes on second. Also, the IAS officer enjoys more benefits than the IPS officer. But, it totally depends on your interest and motive. Depending on your career choice, the service should be chosen. No service is above or below. It is all about what you want to be and what you want to do for the country.
2. When we talk about IAS vs IPS, who has the job security?
Well, both of the positions are at the top. Both have job security as they are central govt jobs. But according to regulations, it is not easy to fire an IAS officer.
3. Who gets more salary - IAS or IPS officer
IAS is paid higher as compared to the IPS officer. However, the difference is not much. The starting salary is almost the same