IFoS Full Form
IFoS Stands for Indian Forest Service. The exam is conducted by UPSC every year. Candidates have to work hard and smart in order to crack it. Also, the duties of IFoS officers include making forest policies, and much more. Therefore, we have gathered everything that you need to know about the Indian Forest Service. Also, these officers have permanent jobs and offer attractive packages to deserving candidates.

Table of Contents
Role of IFoS
Job Roles of Indian Forest Officer (IFoS)
Pros of IFoS
Cons of IFoS
Salary Structure
Exam Pattern for IFoS
• Prelims
• Mains -
Syllabus of IFoS
• Prelims Syllabus
o General Paper 1
o General Paper 2
• Mains Syllabus
o List of Optional Subjects
• Interview -
Eligibility Criteria for IFoS
• Nationality
• Age Limit
• Age Relaxation
• Number of Attempts
• Educational Qualification -
How To Apply for IFoS
Editor's Note
FAQ Regarding IFoS
Role of IFoS
Forest conservation and development
Biodiversity and Wildlife management
Solving environmental issues including Climate Change
Dealing with forest and wildlife-related crimes
Afforestation + Agroforestry
Tribal and hill area development
Social welfare of tribals and dwellers in the forest
Natural resource management
Training and capacity building
R&D + Biotechnology
Forest Personnel Administration
Policy Making
Job Roles of Indian Forest Officer (IFoS)
Principal Chief Conservator of Forest: This officer is the head of the forest force. The major responsibilities of this officer are to manage the forest, wildlife, and environmental issues of different states. Moreover, it is the highest position in the Indian Forest Service.
Additional Chief Conservator of Forest: Firstly, this officer plays an important role to assist the Principal Chief Conservator of Forest. Secondly, this officer is directly answerable to the chief and should complete the duties assigned by him.
Deputy Conservator of Forest: This officer is also known as Divisional Forest Officer. Further, the main duties of the officer are to manage the forest, wildlife, and environment-related issues.
Assistant Conservator of Forest: The responsibility of this officer is to assist higher-level officers. Moreover, they also do some tasks according to their post which are assigned upon joining.
Forest Range Officer (FRO): This officer is responsible for the effective management of the forest. Also, this officer has custody of government property associated with the forest. Moreover, this officer follows the Deputy Conservator of Forest.
Pros of IFoS?
Firstly, the job of IFOS is permanent with attractive employee benefits.
Secondly, the salary keeps increasing with experience and promotion.
Also, there is an added benefit of getting to reside in beautiful homes in some of the most beautiful locations. Nature lovers will be able to pursue wildlife photography as well as spend time in the natural habitat of the wild.
Further, eco-tourism is one of the perks of being in the Indian Forest Service.
Cons of IFoS?
On the other hand, IFoS officers always have the risk of animal attacks.
Also, IFoS officers are more accountable for the property of the government.They are responsible for matters related to any work which has not been
Officers in the IFoS at times also have to face land mafia, cases related to mining, and even naxal problems.
However, every job has its disadvantages. But the real fun and satisfaction that the job brings is the ability to give back to nature, protect it, the chance to be able to spend time in some of the purest locations. This job is a dream for many especially for nature lovers.
Salary Structure
Job Profile
Principal Chief Conservator of Forest - Rs. 15,00,000
Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forest - Rs. 14,00,000
Inspector General of Forest (Chief Conservator of Forest) - Rs. 13,00,000
Deputy Inspector General of Forest (Deputy Conservator of Forest) - Rs. 12,00,000
Assistant Inspector General of Forest - Rs. 10,00,000
Exam Pattern for IFoS
The IFoS exam is divided into 3 parts - Prelims, Mains and Interview.
Firstly, it is an objective type paper.
Secondly, it has 2 mandatory papers. Each paper comprises 200 questions.
Also, the duration of the exam is 2 hours.
Moreover, there is negative marking for every incorrect answer. Also, candidates should not select more than one answer.
Firstly, the mains exam of IFoS has 6 papers. Secondly, paper 3, 4, 5, 6 are based on optional subjects.
Paper 1 and 2 carry 300 marks. But, Paper III, IV, V, VI carry 200 marks each.
Syllabus of IFoS
To understand the IFoS exam properly, you must have a thorough knowledge of the syllabus. It is the most apt way to know the demand and extent of any exam.
Prelims Syllabus
It should be noted that the syllabus of IFOS Prelims is the same as Prelims of Civil Services.
General Paper 1
Current affairs that are of national as well as international importance.
Indian history with more attention on the Indian national movement.
The world geography with a special focus on India- physical, social and economic geography of India is particularly important.
Also, Indian polity and governance- thorough knowledge of the constitution, Panchayati raj, political system, public policies and schemes, fundamental rights, etc.
Sustainable, economic, and social development, demographics of poverty, employment, inclusion, and social sector initiatives.
Environment, biodiversity, social issues related to the environment, climate change, on a generic basis, Subject specialization is not required.
General Science
General Paper 2
English comprehension
Communication and interpersonal skills
Logical and analytical reasoning
Problem-solving and decision making based questions
General mental ability
Basic numerical ability- orders of magnitude, number, and their relations, charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency.
Basic English language, grammar, and vocabulary.
Mains Syllabus
1st Paper is on General English
2nd paper is on General Knowledge
However, Paper III, IV, V, VI are optional subjects
List of Optional Subjects are -
Agriculture Engineering
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
However, the candidate must know that some subject combinations are not allowed. Also, we have created that list for you -
Agricultural Engineering and Agriculture
Forestry and Agriculture
Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
Statistics and Maths
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science and Agriculture.
Not more than one engineering subjects
This is the last stage of the examination. However, the candidate must keep in mind that this stage is much more than bookish knowledge. But it is about the candidate's caliber and presence of mind. Also, the selected candidate must possess the following qualities -
Mind Alertness
Leadership Qualities
Also, balance of judgement
Physical and Mental Caliber
The desire to explore unknown places and
Positive attitude to the most unexpected questions
Moreover, a physical test is also a part of the selection process. In this test, the male candidates have to walk 25 km in less than 4 hours and female candidates have to walk 15 km in less than 4 hours.
Eligibility Criteria for IFoS
The candidate should be a citizen of India. Moreover, the applicant can be of Bhutan, Nepal. However, those candidates can also apply who have an Indian origin and have moved to Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam.
Age Limit
The candidate must be of minimum 21 years old and maximum of 32 years old.
Age Relaxation
Firstly, the candidates belonging to SC/ST caste have 5 years of relaxation.
Secondly, Other Backward Classes have 3 years of relaxation.
Also, the ex-servicemen have 5 years of relaxation.
Disabled people have 3 years of relaxation.
Number of Attempts
General Candidates has 6 Attempts.
SC/ST candidates have no limit on the number of attempts. The limit is on their age only.
On the other hand, OBC and other backward classes get 9 attempts.
Educational Qualification
The candidates must have a passing degree from a government authorized University or any degree equivalent to a bachelor's degree in any of the streams from a reputed university.
How to Apply for IFoS
Firstly, Log on to IFoS Official Website.
Secondly, Go to DAF - Indian Forest Examination.
Check the official notifications which has all the important dates. Also, check if you have all the required criteria.
After that, go to UPSC home page, click on registration link and fill important details. Also, make sure to upload all required documents proof.
After the completion of the application form. Complete the payment step.
Finally, do keep a printed copy of the application form for future reference
Firstly, both IAS( Indian Administrative Service) and IFoS( Indian Forest Service) recruitment happens through the same prelims exam. So, interested students can apply for both of them in the same application form.
However, the mains and interview stages are different for both the services. There are different syllabi for both and the selection procedure also varies from this stage on.
IAS is the most prestigious job without a doubt but IFoS is the service you should opt for if you are a nature lover and have to zeal to tackle environment-related issues. Also, you will enjoy your job and make the best out of it when you have the desire to be a part of nature by protecting it. On the other hand, if the candidate wants to make a bigger change in society, then IAS is your way to go.
To sum up, the benefits of both jobs are quite amazing. An IFoS officer deals with forest problems like poachers, environmental degradation, animals, etc. Further, the IFoS officer and the officer's family will get VIP access to wildlife reserves of the country. This is one of the most cherished benefits by IFoS officers today. Anyways, whether you are an IAS or an IFoS officer, you will be serving the country to the best of your abilities.
Editor's Note
Firstly, the candidate must prepare thoroughly and do hard work because the vacancies are very less in IFOS.
Secondly, the cut off usually goes high due to fewer vacancies and high competition.
Also, don't focus on grabbing every book or source that you find. Instead, try to find your strengths and weaknesses and keep your sources limited and focus on revision.
Further, prepare yourself for the physical test as the candidate must be fit in order to clear the last round.
Finally, focus on yourself and attempt mock tests and Interviews. This is the most reliable way of polishing yourself before the actual day of the exams.
FAQ Regarding IFoS
1. Is IFoS Prelims and Civil Services Prelims the same?
Yes, the prelims exam to All India Services and IFoS is the same. However, the Mains and Interviews differ in syllabus and approach. Also, the IFoS exam has an added level of physical fitness test.
2. Is there any risk in IFoS Job?
Every job is a mixed bag of perks as well as risks. In the case of IFoS, there are risks of animal attacks, land mafias, etc. because of posting in forest areas which sometimes stretch as deep as the interiors of the forest. However, you will be always backed by a team, guards and your intelligence while dealing such situations.